OPINEL My first Opinel
Opinel knife My first Opinel: special for children.
Blade length: 8 cm. Stainless steel blade.
Rounded tip blade: The tip of the blade is rounded to provide greater safety in use. It is also an ideal blade for spreading.
Handle in varnished hornbeam wood.
Safety Ring: Locking the blade in the open position (safety of use), it is now possible to lock the blade in the closed position (safety of transport).
French made
Technical features
Opinel knife My first Opinel: special for children.
Blade length: 8 cm. Stainless steel blade.
Rounded tip blade: The tip of the blade is rounded to provide greater safety in use. It is also an ideal blade for spreading.
Handle in varnished hornbeam wood.
Safety Ring: Locking the blade in the open position (safety of use), it is now possible to lock the blade in the closed position (safety of transport).
French made
The team's opinion
Delight children with their first Opinel knife. Its round-tipped blade is designed for children.
The brand
Opinel is a French cutlery brand with a factory based in Chambéry.
The brand make knife since 1890 and sell its products in 70 countries.
Today, it's more than 300 million blades that have been sold all around the world.
In 1955, a security ring has been put on the knife to block it in open position. In 2000, this ring has been modified to block the blade in open and in closed position to prevent an accidental opening.
Find all the range of Opinel knife on ValetMont.